June 29, 2009
Just a quick note. On my walk back home last night from my host father’s café, I heard a familiar song being played on a cell phone by a group of young guys on the street. The song was “In Da Club” by 50 Cent. Now, I am not a fan of this song because of how over-played it was when it first came out. It was played on the radio all the time when I went to Sweden in the summer of 2002, and it was annoying then. Seven years later, it has still not lost that ability to bug the bejezus out of me. Fortunately I do not have the Tamazight language skills to ridicule the song choice, so I avoided an incident. Why can’t people from other countries choose to listen to better American songs. It would be so refreshing to hear kids playing more classic American songs, like something by the Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, or Elvis. My dream would be to hear John Denver or Barry Manilow. Anything but “In Da Club”/ Well, I just recovered from my first bout of stomach sickness in Morocco. 4 months without any problems is pretty good I’d say. I’ve been lucky, but I jinxed myself by saying that my stomach is made of steel one day before it all started. The two days of eating just bread and drinking copious amounts of water really did help.